Womens Moto Project is Coming to Babes in Borrego!
The Womens Moto Project will be offering training from 10am-4pm on Saturday, March 23rd in 30-minute time slots. The $30 suggested minimum donation per person for training is tax-deductible, as every penny goes back into The Women's Moto Project. In addition, they will be doing some fun interactive “exercises” at their tent using the Fatal Vision Goggles and some giveaways.
We'll feature slow speed, tight turns, as well as emergency braking and we'll have prizes for each of our challenge round winners.
The Women's Moto Project is a registered 501(c)(3) and the nation's only women's motorcycle safety training course designed by and for women. Our mission is to transform the world of motorcycling so that all women feel comfortable, welcome, and equal. Our monthly skills training provides a safe and encouraging environment for all licensed women riders to practice life-saving skills and develop confidence on their motorcycles. By fostering female ridership, we aim to encourage participation and increase access to this uniquely empowering sport for women across the globe.
Insta: @TheWomensMotoProject
The Women's Moto Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization in the United States. Tax ID#87-4460455