Babes Return to Borrego - All the Info You Need

We are so ready to kick off our return to Borrego! Below you’ll find everything you need to know, if its not listed below, simply go with the flow and have fun.
- Borrego Valley Inn and Palm Canyon guests will all check in at Palm Canyon. Check in time is 3:00PM for hotel and airstreams and 12:30PM for RV and tent sites. You will pull up to the outdoor tents at Palm Canyon to sign in, get your room key / site # and be given the allotted wrist bands per ticket type to ONLY those who are with you at the time of check in, and sign our waiver (yew!).
- If another person in your party is arriving later, you will need to meet them at the front as they need to sign the waiver before they are given a band to enter property.
- No extra bands will be given out as we are at max capacity.
- Early arrivals or late departure are not permitted. Check-out time for all accommodations is 11:00AM sharp on Sunday.
Check in Address for All Guests:
Palm Canyon Hotel & RV Resort
221 Palm Canyon Dr
Borrego Springs, CA 92004
After Borrego Valley Inn guests receive their room keys @ Palm Canyon they can head to their hotel located just down the road at:
Borrego Valley Inn
405 Palm Canyon Dr
Borrego Springs, CA 92004
Fun Fact! We have a shuttle service for those staying at Borrego Valley Inn to come to Palm Canyon for the fun stuff. It starts at 5PM and will run on the hour with last departure from Palm Canyon to take ladies back at 10PM sharp. If you miss it, you are walking along a dark road for about .7 of a mile to get yourself back. Taxis and Uber does not exist in Borrego.
Quiet Hours for all properties: 10PM-9AM (entire park including ranch area, generators, and pool areas)
No fires whatsoever (no propane /no charcoal / no nuthin!) Don’t get yourself kicked out.
No glass in any of the pool areas
A Gentle Reminder of the FAQ for Babes Return to Borrego
Do I need a ticket in addition to my accommodation? Nope, this is a no-frills riding weekend so there are no tickets to this event this year. Each accommodation will have wristbands and bike bands so we know who is staying at the resorts / are allowed to park on the property + use pool. These bands are based on accommodation capacity, for example a room that has a 2-person max occupancy gets 2 wrist & 2 bike bands, a camping spot that allows 6 people gets six bands and so on. Each accommodation above has its room max clearly listed. These bands will be collected by the person who is on the reservation upon check in to give to anyone sharing their accommodation with them n(must arrive together to get all bands or come back when others arrive to get the extra bands associated with their spot). If you are staying with someone who has an accommodation, arrive with them OR after them, NOT before.
What's the difference between Palm Canyon RV Resort and Borrego Valley Inn? How far are they from each other? Palm Canyon is the larger hotel where the Harley-Davidson demos will be going on, where we will be selling our merch, and hopefully have some fun stuff activities happening if we are able to by Oct. About a 1/2 mile down the road is Borrego Valley Inn which has 15 rooms and is geared towards more quiet style folks. If you are staying at Borrego Valley Inn, feel free to ride over to Palm Canyon Resort to enjoy but note there are no shuttles or other forms of transportation other than your own two legs or your motorcycle. Ye Haw!
The rooms & camping sold out! Can I still come and enjoy the riding in the area? We are at max capacity for the resort once we sell out so while we'd love to have you, we can't accommodate you coming on to the property. Only those will wristbands and bike bands will be allowed to be on property to ensure our guests have parking. If the resort catches an un-banded bike or vehicle parked on the property or in fire lanes etc., the vehicle will be towed at owners expense ($265 yikes!). If you've missed out, feel free to stay somewhere else in town and ride all weekend at your leisure as the various route maps can be found at the bottom of this FAQ.
Can I get a refund? No, not under any circumstance can we refund your purchase.
Can I transfer my room / camping spot to another rider? All transfers ended at 12PM Oct 4th.
I have never been, what's it like? Will I have fun? We want to be 100% transparent as we have new riders join us every year (which is awesome). Here is the nitty gritty: This is a true riding event. If you do not like riding motorcycles you will NOT have a good time. This isn't a shopping event, or a drink all day type of thing, there are no tour guides, no pre-arranged group rides, no one to help with special needs etc. If you can navigate a google map, come prepared for the weather, have your bike dialed, able to problem solve, love to rough it a bit or not if you booked a room or trailer, this event is right up your alley. If you are the type that needs to "speak to the manager" then it's suggested to find another event that is better suited to your comforts.
What bikes are welcome? I am not a rider yet sooo? Can I drive / trailer etc.? All street legal 2, 3, or 4-wheel freedom machines are welcome! If you are not riding yet or not 100% confident to ride to this event, we suggest driving or trailering your moto. Please note if parking is full, you may have to figure out another area to park your moto trailer. For off-roaders, Ocotillo is just 25 minutes away so you can trailer your un-plated bikes out there if you'd prefer to spend your day at the OHV. If you are coming by car and not a rider yet, we truly think that is awesome! We hope the weekend will inspire you to get your license after getting to know this amazing community.
Do I get a specific camping or RV spot assigned to me prior to the weekend? When you arrive, you will check in with the front office to get your spot # based on what you paid for. No pre-arranged spots or special requests can be accommodated.
What is up with food, water, gas? Big Horn Burgers & Shakes is on the property as well as a fully stocked saloon + a camp store for those must haves! The town has many restaurants and a few gas stations for easy fueling.
I want to shoot, take video, do a social media takeover for this event for a brand, magazine, online editorial, etc. Do I need permission? We’d love to hear more! Babes Ride Out is a private event and we do the best we can not to distract our guests so they can have the best time possible. If you want to shoot the event in any way for a media source, a brand, or other non-personal use, please email for permission as no commercial photography or video of any kind is allowed unless approved by BRO. Images for your own use are 100% awesome and appreciated! No need to ask if it’s for yourself and/or personal social media, we only ask that you be respectful to the other attendees :)
How do I connect with other ladies to ride out? Click and post away in our Babes Ride Out Borrego Facebook event page. This is a great way to meet up with ladies to ride to the space with.
Can I bring my boyfriend or husband? No, this is a ladies only weekend. Please check for all co/ed events.
Can I bring my kids and pets? Nope, the event is not kid / pet friendly :(
Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? Must be 21+ to attend and have valid ID to drink.
What CAN'T I bring to the event? Weapons, signage, flags, banners, fireworks, pets, kids, a bad attitude, hand-outs for a brand or marketing materials of any kind.
The name on the reservation doesn't match the attendee(s). Is that okay? Or the person I am sharing a room with is arriving before me, can she get in prior to my arrival? Nope! Your room reservation must match your ID and the person who made the reservation is the only one that can collect the room key + wristbands & parking bands at the front desk. We cannot add more names to the reservation so you are in charge sister! Please arrive together if you are sharing your room with other ladies.
I am transgender, transitioning or consider myself non-binary, am I still welcome to come? 100% yes! “Ladies Only” is the best we have found to make it clear who this event is dedicated to. We understand that gender is fluid and trust that the moto community can make the distinction as they have over our past 9 years hosting the events.
Zero Tolerance: All Babes Ride Out events have a zero-tolerance policy for any hate speech or violence whatsoever. We have never had a problem with this at any of our events but we feel that it is important to reiterate that racism, homophobia, bigotry, aggressive behavior towards anyone and/or anything that resembles it is not welcome ever at any of our events.
Palm Canyon Hotel & RV Resort
221 Palm Canyon Dr
Borrego Springs, CA 92004
After Borrego Valley Inn guests receive their room keys @ Palm Canyon they can head to their hotel located just down the road at:
Borrego Valley Inn
405 Palm Canyon Dr
Borrego Springs, CA 92004
Fun Fact! We have a shuttle service for those staying at Borrego Valley Inn to come to Palm Canyon for the fun stuff. It starts at 5PM and will run on the hour with last departure from Palm Canyon to take ladies back at 10PM sharp. If you miss it, you are walking along a dark road for about .7 of a mile to get yourself back. Taxis and Uber does not exist in Borrego.
Quiet Hours for all properties: 10PM-9AM (entire park including ranch area, generators, and pool areas)
No fires whatsoever (no propane /no charcoal / no nuthin!) Don’t get yourself kicked out.
No glass in any of the pool areas
A Gentle Reminder of the FAQ for Babes Return to Borrego
Do I need a ticket in addition to my accommodation? Nope, this is a no-frills riding weekend so there are no tickets to this event this year. Each accommodation will have wristbands and bike bands so we know who is staying at the resorts / are allowed to park on the property + use pool. These bands are based on accommodation capacity, for example a room that has a 2-person max occupancy gets 2 wrist & 2 bike bands, a camping spot that allows 6 people gets six bands and so on. Each accommodation above has its room max clearly listed. These bands will be collected by the person who is on the reservation upon check in to give to anyone sharing their accommodation with them n(must arrive together to get all bands or come back when others arrive to get the extra bands associated with their spot). If you are staying with someone who has an accommodation, arrive with them OR after them, NOT before.
What's the difference between Palm Canyon RV Resort and Borrego Valley Inn? How far are they from each other? Palm Canyon is the larger hotel where the Harley-Davidson demos will be going on, where we will be selling our merch, and hopefully have some fun stuff activities happening if we are able to by Oct. About a 1/2 mile down the road is Borrego Valley Inn which has 15 rooms and is geared towards more quiet style folks. If you are staying at Borrego Valley Inn, feel free to ride over to Palm Canyon Resort to enjoy but note there are no shuttles or other forms of transportation other than your own two legs or your motorcycle. Ye Haw!
The rooms & camping sold out! Can I still come and enjoy the riding in the area? We are at max capacity for the resort once we sell out so while we'd love to have you, we can't accommodate you coming on to the property. Only those will wristbands and bike bands will be allowed to be on property to ensure our guests have parking. If the resort catches an un-banded bike or vehicle parked on the property or in fire lanes etc., the vehicle will be towed at owners expense ($265 yikes!). If you've missed out, feel free to stay somewhere else in town and ride all weekend at your leisure as the various route maps can be found at the bottom of this FAQ.
Can I get a refund? No, not under any circumstance can we refund your purchase.
Can I transfer my room / camping spot to another rider? All transfers ended at 12PM Oct 4th.
I have never been, what's it like? Will I have fun? We want to be 100% transparent as we have new riders join us every year (which is awesome). Here is the nitty gritty: This is a true riding event. If you do not like riding motorcycles you will NOT have a good time. This isn't a shopping event, or a drink all day type of thing, there are no tour guides, no pre-arranged group rides, no one to help with special needs etc. If you can navigate a google map, come prepared for the weather, have your bike dialed, able to problem solve, love to rough it a bit or not if you booked a room or trailer, this event is right up your alley. If you are the type that needs to "speak to the manager" then it's suggested to find another event that is better suited to your comforts.
What bikes are welcome? I am not a rider yet sooo? Can I drive / trailer etc.? All street legal 2, 3, or 4-wheel freedom machines are welcome! If you are not riding yet or not 100% confident to ride to this event, we suggest driving or trailering your moto. Please note if parking is full, you may have to figure out another area to park your moto trailer. For off-roaders, Ocotillo is just 25 minutes away so you can trailer your un-plated bikes out there if you'd prefer to spend your day at the OHV. If you are coming by car and not a rider yet, we truly think that is awesome! We hope the weekend will inspire you to get your license after getting to know this amazing community.
Do I get a specific camping or RV spot assigned to me prior to the weekend? When you arrive, you will check in with the front office to get your spot # based on what you paid for. No pre-arranged spots or special requests can be accommodated.
What is up with food, water, gas? Big Horn Burgers & Shakes is on the property as well as a fully stocked saloon + a camp store for those must haves! The town has many restaurants and a few gas stations for easy fueling.
I want to shoot, take video, do a social media takeover for this event for a brand, magazine, online editorial, etc. Do I need permission? We’d love to hear more! Babes Ride Out is a private event and we do the best we can not to distract our guests so they can have the best time possible. If you want to shoot the event in any way for a media source, a brand, or other non-personal use, please email for permission as no commercial photography or video of any kind is allowed unless approved by BRO. Images for your own use are 100% awesome and appreciated! No need to ask if it’s for yourself and/or personal social media, we only ask that you be respectful to the other attendees :)
How do I connect with other ladies to ride out? Click and post away in our Babes Ride Out Borrego Facebook event page. This is a great way to meet up with ladies to ride to the space with.
Can I bring my boyfriend or husband? No, this is a ladies only weekend. Please check for all co/ed events.
Can I bring my kids and pets? Nope, the event is not kid / pet friendly :(
Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? Must be 21+ to attend and have valid ID to drink.
What CAN'T I bring to the event? Weapons, signage, flags, banners, fireworks, pets, kids, a bad attitude, hand-outs for a brand or marketing materials of any kind.
The name on the reservation doesn't match the attendee(s). Is that okay? Or the person I am sharing a room with is arriving before me, can she get in prior to my arrival? Nope! Your room reservation must match your ID and the person who made the reservation is the only one that can collect the room key + wristbands & parking bands at the front desk. We cannot add more names to the reservation so you are in charge sister! Please arrive together if you are sharing your room with other ladies.
I am transgender, transitioning or consider myself non-binary, am I still welcome to come? 100% yes! “Ladies Only” is the best we have found to make it clear who this event is dedicated to. We understand that gender is fluid and trust that the moto community can make the distinction as they have over our past 9 years hosting the events.
Zero Tolerance: All Babes Ride Out events have a zero-tolerance policy for any hate speech or violence whatsoever. We have never had a problem with this at any of our events but we feel that it is important to reiterate that racism, homophobia, bigotry, aggressive behavior towards anyone and/or anything that resembles it is not welcome ever at any of our events.